19/06/09 Update
2:22 PM | Author: Tarko

Look at how quickly the time goes by!

Eleven days already!!
Almost two weeks and it went right out the window.

I'll use this occasion to announce:


Thanks to Jeff, my second CS host in S'pore, I've just been offered a job @ WEGO!

I'll be starting next week, where I'll be able to give you guys a run-down version of my work duties.

I'm still looking around for translation\tuitions to improve my cash-flow; it's starting slowly; it's out there in the universe (read:Notice boards, CV sent, online community, etc...)


~Adventure comes from poor planning~
08/06/09 Varia
4:58 AM | Author: Tarko
I would like to point out THIS

Minute of silence
08/06/09 (Job) Update
4:32 AM | Author: Tarko
Well, as many of you knows, I'm looking for a job at the moment, as I usually do after being in a new country.

As usual my various avenue are being covered, without success. But not to despair, I keep with me my zenhood; chillaxing in a city where 33degree is considered 'cool'.

I tough I'd thwart the system for once and apply my search and energy on system\job that would let me work wherever I am in the world, disregarding boundaries or cultural background; using the internet to do my biding, use the information highway to get me closer to clients or at least, money.

Yours truly have tried for a few weeks now to score a job as a translator (FR<=>EN) but, alas, without much success. Many would point out the tremendous amount of spelling mistakes I do, in both language, with much reason to do so. But, you know, now I have a genuine reason to learn not to do so many mistakes.

On the other hand, my contacts (thanks again CS) lead me to discover the wonderful world of teaching English as a second language! Many websites are out there with people from all over the world seeking, desperately, English teachers: I can't be THAT bad, can I? So this option is now a new one for me, double so valid now because, hopefully, it will help me improve my own level in English and by a causal-effect relationship, will help me score those sought-after translation jobs.

This is where I am; looking for jobs online. So, if anyone hear about someone looking for someone who could do a job web-based, please, PLEASE think about me! It WOULD be a win-win situations, transcending the usual boundary of work relations.


~Adventure comes from poor planning~
04/06/09 One more way to contact me
1:36 AM | Author: Tarko
Howdy all?

I hope you're all having an amazing time!

I know I am, browsing, no, LURKING on the internet looking for work.
I had a few replies this morning (Yai), two jobs in India and one in China.

But this is not the reason of this post, I wanted to show you THIS link.

It allows you to send me a sms on my phone. I tested it and it works! I can even reply to your msg and it will show on the webpage.

Please note that this will work as long as I'm staying with my current cell-phone service provider.



~Knowing is half the battle~